Barium radiographs of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract have limited utility in the setting of occult bleeding because of their inability to biopsy or treat lesions that are identified. 在上,下消化道钡技师在隐匿性出血,因为他们无力活检或治疗所确定病变设置用处有限。
Diagnosis and Treatment of Occult Bleeding in Spontaneous Rupture of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 隐匿性肝癌破裂出血的诊断和治疗
These patients may manifest as acute intestinal perforation, peritonitis, bowel obstruction, chronic occult bleeding. 此类患者可表现为急性肠穿孔、腹膜炎、肠梗阻、隐匿性慢性出血等。